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Wednesday 22: The Business Quiz Returns!

Hello guys, as promised I will be running quiz series for the Business Quiz and especially focussing Tata Crucible Quiz 2020. I wish that quizzing enthusiasts use my blog as a reference for the Crucible and it helps them in their adventures in the Quizzing Arena.
Q.1) This is Tobleron Chocolate, a very famous Swiss Candy bar being owned by a US company, somehow. It is made Swiss city of Bern. The unique shapings of its bars is believed it have been inspired by a certain mountain, Which one?
the chocolate bar, a very famous business brand from Switzerland

c.) Matterhorn
Pretty much evident from the hints, the chocolate shape is said to be inspired from the Mountain in Swiss Alps, probably one of the symbol for Switzerland as a nation.

Q.2) Simple Question, identify this gentleman here, one of the guests of Delhi Durbar of James V, but a very important person for the Western World.

It is said that He was heavily inspired by Indian culture and Style, which is quite visible in his legacy.

a.) Jacques Cartier
That is correct, the legendary Jeweller of Cartier, was present in Delhi Durbar and did a lot of shopping in precious stones from India. You can check for change in Cartier styles after his visit.

Q.3) Alluding to the mythological legend of a group fathered by the titan Atlas, the business usage of the term X was popularized in the 1950s by businessman Enrico Mattei, then-head of the Italian state oil company Eni.
At one time the group controlled 85% of the oil business of the world.

What is X?

a.) Seven Sisters
These 7 companies have been in the list of most profitable companies for years, during the turn of Millennium, most of them merged into each other, to give the new term "Big Oil", essentially three companies now.

Q.4) Identify this gentleman, a Noble Laureate credited with creating economic stability in his country of origin. A truly inspirational figure in the world of economics, but surprisingly was awarded the Noble for Peace and not Economics.

b.) Mohammad Yunus
He was one of the proponents of Microcredit ideology of Finance, and co founded the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh which was revolutionary in getting Microfinance into the map of Financial World. He was awarded the 2006 Noble Peace Prize along with Grameen Bank for his success to establish Financial security and "Peace".

Q.5) Just like the iconic Charging Bull in Wall Street, New York City, a 36-foot white sculpture of a hand without fingers, except for the middle one, become a part of this institution

The statue bearing the title L.O.V.E. for Libertà, Odio, Vendetta, Eternità (Freedom, Hate, Vengeance, Eternity in Italian) was created and donated by Italy's famous contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan (known for his satirical sculptures) in 2010.

Which Institution has this statue in its premises?

b.) Milan Stock Exchange
Milan Stock Exchange, the only one in Italy has been absorbed by the London Stock Exchange and is currently a subsidiary of its London counterpart.

This controversial statue was supposed to be removed after a week but the city council decided to keep it, rather mysteriously.

I hope you all liked the quiz questions being served from the field of Business, finance and Banking. Keep loving and Keep Sharing!!

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