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Friday #5

1. Dr. Katie Bouman is a computer scientist and an assistant professor of computing and 
mathematical sciences at the California Institute of Technology . She led the development of algorithm known as Continuous High-resolution Image Reconstruction using Patch priors (CHIRP) which was responsible to one of greatest event in Science 
history.What are we talking about?
Her Laptop Screen might have a hint.

2. Just like India’s dominance in Kabaddi , X also dominates Taekwondo and have won 
all Taekwondo World Championships starting from 1973 till date barring 2 years .The losses came in 2011 and 2015 both at hands of Iran.Which country is X?

3. Jack Cover used to work as a nuclear physicist in NASA. However, in 1970, he started diverting funds for his research towards a weapon that would incapacitate assailants instead of killing them.He named it after an invention by Tom Swift,a fictional character that inspired him, 
Thomas A Swift Electronic Rifle,
How do we better know this weapon? 

4. X is the greatest pagoda of its kind in the world , where X means golden pagoda at the city of Y which is now known as Rangoon.The 2600 years old pagoda is believed 
to enshrine eight strands of Buddha’s Hair.This place was also used as fortress for britishers during Anglo-Burmese War.What is X and Y.

5. The word X was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene as an attempt to explain the way cultural information spreads . Internet X’s are subset to 
this concept specific to this culture and environment on internet. Id X.


1. She was a member of the Event Horizon Telescope team that captured the first image of a 
black hole .CHIRP algorithm was used to process data captured by telescope and convert into image. 

2. X-South Korea


4. X-Shwedagon Pagoda Y-Dagon

5. Meme

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